Digital Solutions

What In the World is Gen AI?

What in the world is Gen AI?

Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are some popular buzz words being thrown around in the industry. But what do they mean? In this article, we are going to explain some concepts around Gen AI and the implications / benefits across Siemens Global Business Services (GBS) with its customers (of course, this being an article about Gen AI, ChatGPT will be my partner in crime for certain portions).

To help get us started, I asked ChatGPT to generate some humor around Gen AI and I liked this one:

"Gen AI: Because regular AI just couldn't keep up with the Gen Z memes."

Source: ChatGPT, 2024

I mean Yes and NO. Gen AI does sound like a semantic term of Generation Y or Generation Z (Millennials and Zoomers respectively) but it's a completely different topic. Gen AI is getting more popular in the corporate landscape and within Siemens.

What's the difference between AI and Gen AI?

While AI is used to classify, group, or predict things very specific to a business' data (technically it involves machine learning models, algorithms and so on, but let’s leave that technical jargon for the experts), Gen AI comes into the AI game to generate new content from multiple sources for you using a conversational front end.

It's like having a friend who gets better at understanding your needs, talks to you and helps you over time, but in this case, it's a computer doing the learning and helping. Let's take a look at the definition from our GBS GenAI Assistant team (GAIA), our resident experts:

If you need AI to produce new content as a primary output such as answering some questions, interpreting coding, writing a script or speech, generating music, images or videos, forecasting in businesses and so much more then Gen AI is exactly what you need. The best example? Chatting with ChatGPT or DALL-E in the Azure service for Siemens.

Let’s look at another example comparing traditional AI solution versus Gen AI thanks to Chat GPT:

Source: ChatGPT, 2024

Curious about the impact of Gen AI at GBS?

As a business partner we have defined, implemented and driven outstanding solutions and products for our customers. How have we been able to take Gen AI and integrate it with our GBS solutions? Let’s take a look at some examples below:

Bionic Customer Service Agent™: A virtual team member of customer care organizations, Bionic Agent interprets various queries, extracts relevant data, triggers the correct process workflow, and sends the answer to the customer automatically. Now, The Bionic Agent has been integrated with ChatGPT turning it into an even more naturally interacting agent.

GBS Digital Solutions Microservices (GAIA): Whether you need to search, extract, summarize, or translate information within text or documents, there is an Application Programming Interface (API) connection to cover all of your Generative AI needs. You can even do this with a chatbot to support your customers. Now with Siemens Asset Classification and Protection (ACP2) approval, the data protection policy that is able to be loaded onto or used in Gen AI projects.

Coming Soon:

Tax Sights™ + Bionic Customer Service Agent: Tax-sights proactively alerts your business of potential overpayments and improves knowledge sharing throughout end-to-end Use and Sales tax process. This helps reduce costs through clear data sets. GBS is working to pair this Tax-Sights service along with The Bionic Agent to give you an even more enhanced end user experience.

GBS Productivity and Learning (PAL) – This new addition features ChatGPT in TEAMS for you. It's just like talking to your expert colleague. Here you can ask PAL about IT tools, SAP, Guidelines and your local processes. All coming soon to Snowflake connectivity, the new repository for all Siemens SAP information.

Source: ChatGPT, 2024

What's next?

Stay tuned as GBS starts to change the game with Gen AI and its integration with our existing products and services. We'll continue this fantastic conversation by sharing with you more products, enhancements and updates about what we do in GBS.

If you'd like to read more about buzz words like Algorithms, Deep Learning, API please go check out the AI Glossary where out experts put together the most important ones.