Tax Services

How Tax-Sights™ Can Save You Money

Streamline Your Finances & Maximize Savings

In today’s financial business landscape, companies are constantly seeking innovative solutions to gain a competitive edge. A lot of them achieve great things but most of them leave the customers empty-handed trying to resolve their true pain-point.

That is until they use Tax-Sights - our innovative dashboard designed to automate the sales and use tax process to reduce overpayments and costs through transparent data sets.

Giving the customer clear and digestible information to provide insights and transparency into their sales and use tax journey, the transparency into the risks associated with erroneous payments to the states help Tax-Sights customers take preventative action to reduce overspend and disruptions, as well as reduces third party invoice disputes. When exemption certificates require renewal, Tax-Sights provides actionable alerts to aid in requesting a renewed exemption certificate from 3rd party customers for sales tax. For use tax, Tax-Sights immediately assess newly created purchase orders for proper taxability seamlessly for our users.

Tax-Sights was created specifically with common pain-points in mind to correct erroneous payment of sales and use taxes, sales tax short pays, use tax overpayments, tax invoicing accuracy, cash flow issues and recovery fees from overpayments.

The dashboard has already been rolled out to Siemens GBS customers, already saving millions of dollars. Just ask, Heiko Volpert, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Siemens USA.

Last year was extremely successful in savings as we were able to save customers over $18 million in overall savings. Out of this, $6 million was in direct profit & loss savings. This is a great triumph as we make sure that your money stays where it belongs- in your pocket!

For more information about Tax-Sights, visit the Tax-Sights page on Access GBS.