Behind the Scenes

Together Again

R2R: Around the World

Reunited and it feels so good!

Last month, each U.S. R2R service line manager went with the R2R Head, Rob Koca, to visit our GBS India family at their Bangalore location. After three long years of not being able to travel due to COVID-19 restrictions, both R2R teams finally got the chance to reunite.

To say that both parties were excited, is an understatement. The U.S. R2R team was greeted with nothing but warm welcomes and an energy that truly set the tone for this fun and busy week.

With sessions covering different service line topics and breakout teams getting together with their respective groups, the overall theme for these discussions was ultimately about improving the customer experience and recognizing all of the great efforts already occurring. Also participating in these sessions was R2R Head of Czech Republic, Christian Sobotta, who was visiting the India team as well.

On the topic of collaborating with both teams, Wendy Zermeno says,

“We had great collaboration on topics that will benefit our customers as well as our employees! Our India team is amazing and there are no limits to their success. I appreciate them all!”

In an “Applause” session, different members and groups were recognized for their achievements in their work and improving the customer experience. Following the visit, both teams are buzzing with excitement to see all of the great achievements that they are going to accomplish together.

"In addition to bringing the R2R family back together again, we discussed many things. The key takeaway is that we have an amazing team that is motivated to elevate the customer experience and take GBS to the next level!"

Rob Koca, R2R Head U.S.